Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Providence.
Project Manager, Educator, Software Developer. Currently teaching at a local University while overseeing several mobile and web development projects.
DC/LA Superconnector @forbes @MoxieStrategy @StartupGrindDC @ADmapco Creative Strategist, Media2.0Sensei, Political Wonketeer, Entrepreneurial Techie, Neuro PhD
Founder of Panoptic Development. Builder of web/mobile software. Com Sci and Mathematics at @university-of-rhode-island.
Brown CS, 1st software startup out of school, economics and business background
Investments for @hvf and @mlevchin.
Brown CS; Google Intern; Head TA for CS class at Brown; Experience with large datasets, code optimization; Android Developer; International Relations enthusiast
iOS Engineer. Background in machine learning, neuroscience, cognitive psychology, robotics, mathematical modeling...
Brown CS & English; Android Developer; Former intern @foursquare and @animoto.
VP of Engineering @sproutel | Former Lead Mobile Developer @zazu: a @masschallenge finalist and PepsiCo10 winner
Specializing in doing stuff I've never done before. Dual BS in CS/CompE from The U of K. Former overachiever at @lexmark.
Senior CS student at Brown. Former Quora and Facebook intern
I do R&D @sendgrid-1 making developers lives more awesome. Husband to @bethrowan, dad of @demirowan & bred in RI. Helping tech in RI thru @betaspring
Technical co-founder and student. Worked in payments, databases, and customized garments.
Brown/RISD Dual Degree '15. CS + Animation.
Dual Degree: Brown CS, RISD Design. UI/UX design. Worked as game developer for UglySoft. Fluent in Chinese.
Current Brown University undergraduate studying Neuroscience. Biological Computer Vision researcher in the Serre Lab. Ex-hacker schooler.
Founder at @recdesk & @triplefy; Ruby & .NET web developer; Hacker & Dreamer; @university-of-connecticut MBA
Co-founder of Mingleton • Studied at @harvard-university • Worked at @bain-company
Front-End Designer / Developer with 17 years experience. I've worked for: @gamespy @okcupid @crispy-gamer @goldenspear
Founder of MoFuse
Product Manager at @bottomline-technologies
Worked at @navigant-consulting, @solidworks-1 • Studied at @dartmouth-college
Startup obsessed, golf addict
Co-founder of @121nexus. Software & patent practitioner. Worked at BofA and Goldman. @cornell-university '07.
Leader, architect, entrepreneur. Director at Cyber Care, founder of @joinvestor, consultant at @healey-engineering, educated at @northeastern-university.
BA in Interactive Media. Big Thinker. Expert Live Streaming Video, Video Production, Design, CSS, HTML, and User Interaction. Exp in Game Industry/Higher Ed.
Developer/hacker of back-end systems slowly pushing towards native apps. Some front-end experience.
Worked at @swipely, @verisign • Studied at @university-of-california-berkeley
Student at URI; Freelance JavaScript developer.
Master in CS@ Brown, love to learn new stuff.
Founder of @softwareengineers-co, the home of Mobile Copy Paste. MCP is the first (and only) mobile application to enable copy / paste over the internet !
Not completed
I build things that get users' attention and help them complete their task.
Frontend developer at Advent Software with 4+ years of experience designing and building user interfaces for investment professionals.
Tufts Logic MA; Learning Rails and Javascript at Startup Institute Boston; Worked in genetics lab for 4 years prior
CEO-UnPlanned Events
Author-Terms of Engagement
Producer-Catalytic Communities
entrepreneur writer collaborator optimist student blogger leader adventurer
Brown Biostats, Research, Quantitative Analysis, Modeling, Machine Learning
I think data, content, analytics, and insight.
Mobile Development, and Audio Engineering degrees; Product Manager at TennisHub; Strong development problem solving skills with a solid design background.
Worked at @university-of-northern-iowa-2, @fiveq • Studied at @auckland-university-of-technology, @university-of-northern-iowa
Highly motivated technical professional with experience in Informational Technology.
Creative Full Stack Web Developer - Web Dev Immersive General Assembly, BFA RISD
Founder @obzerved - Creative Director / Editor. I like making something out of nothing; Art. Strong skills in Branding, Marketing and Social Media. Positivity!
Programmer, writer and editor, artist (musician and actor).
Designer & Developer. Founder of @pear-buzz & @pear-printing in Providence. Worked with several startups including @orkiv . @bryant-university IT 2014
Founder of Witsem. Strong open source development background (ADP, Wells Fargo, Domino's). MA, BA CSU, USAF.
Full stack Software Engineer.