Providence Startups List

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ID 753759

Michala Kepple

Current Operations & Brand Manager for student services start up, experience as copywriter & designer, previous political Campaign Manager, Duke 2010.

ID 858936

Ovidia Andreea Stanoi

Brown University Senior passionate about technology; worked as a consultant in KPMG's Advisory Practice; looking for opportunities to get involved in tech.

ID 519407

Zoe Chaves

Growth hacker at @splitwise. @venture-for-america fellow. Brown University alumna.

ID 24458

Seth Frielich

Founder @smc, Experienced starting up and growing profitable sales organizations. Looking for a new Sales and Business Development leadership position.

ID 283693

Alex Gaines

A driven 23 year old, I have always pushed myself to reach new heights for ambitiously set goals.

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