Providence Startups List

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Meet 5 Founder View everyone

ID 830180

Matthew Kaiser

Currently I help young 'treps accelerate the materialization of their start-up companies. I facilitate conversation to consult upon existing business models.

ID 673388

Joshua Greenwald

ID 859362

Andrew Shapiro

Founder of Witsem. Strong open source development background (ADP, Wells Fargo, Domino's). MA, BA CSU, USAF.

ID 222411

Amit Chauhan

CEO / Co- Founder @recroup with experience in searching job and hiring people in the most competitive job markets in the world "India" .

ID 210448

Marshall Weir

Co-founder and mobile development guy at @splitwise • Worked at @zattoo, @mobiata • Studied at @university-of-michigan

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