Providence Startups List

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Meet 5 Founder View everyone

ID 222411

Amit Chauhan

CEO / Co- Founder @recroup with experience in searching job and hiring people in the most competitive job markets in the world "India" .

ID 673388

Joshua Greenwald

ID 830180

Matthew Kaiser

Currently I help young 'treps accelerate the materialization of their start-up companies. I facilitate conversation to consult upon existing business models.

ID 210448

Marshall Weir

Co-founder and mobile development guy at @splitwise • Worked at @zattoo, @mobiata • Studied at @university-of-michigan

ID 859362

Andrew Shapiro

Founder of Witsem. Strong open source development background (ADP, Wells Fargo, Domino's). MA, BA CSU, USAF.

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